Vehicle Identity Numbers
Hier finden Sie die fahrzeug-Identitäts Nummer
Voici vous trouverez les numéros d'identitée de votre Schwimmwagen
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The Chassisnumber ("Fahrgestellnummer") is shown on the Volkswagenwerk GmbH plate in the engine compartment
The chassisnumber is stamped on the triagular plate left of the steering wheel, just above the jack mounting
The chassisnumber is stamped on the triagular plate left of the steering wheel, just above the jack mounting
The bodynumber is shown on the triangular plate near the driver's right foot
The bodynumber is stamped on the right side highe of the engine lid
The bodynumber is stamped on the right side highe of the engine lid
The enginenumber is stamped on the engine, and typically starts with a -7- prefix
VW Birth Certificate
Urkunde / Zertifikat
It is possible to obtain a birth certificate of your original vehicle. Please contact Volkswagen Classic Parts.